Maine Senator Susan Collins Pens Blistering Indictment of Trump, Yet Heck Still Aboard Trump Bandwagon Yesterday, Susan Collins (R-ME) became the latest Senate Republican to denounce Donald Trump’s candidacy in an op-ed in the Washington Post, joining Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) among other Republicans.  Nevada Senator Joe Heck, however, remains... Continue »
Maine Senator Susan Collins Pens Blistering Indictment of Trump, Yet Rubio Still Aboard Trump Bandwagon Yesterday, Susan Collins (R-ME) became the latest Senate Republican to denounce Donald Trump’s candidacy in an op-ed in the Washington Post, joining Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) among other Republicans.  Florida Senator Marco Rubio, however, remains... Continue »
Maine Senator Susan Collins Pens Blistering Indictment of Trump, Yet Burr Still Aboard Trump Bandwagon Yesterday, Susan Collins (R-ME) became the latest Senate Republican to denounce Donald Trump’s candidacy in an op-ed in the Washington Post, joining Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) among other Republicans.  North Carolina Senator Richard Burr,... Continue »
Univision and Salon Examine Hard Work Happening on the Ground to Mobilize the New American Majority Two new stories examine the work being done to mobilize Latino and immigrant voters this election cycle. As Frank Sharry noted last week, “For Democrats, it’s not enough to cheer Donald Trump’s implosion and... Continue »
Maine Senator Susan Collins Pens Blistering Indictment of Trump, Yet Portman Still Aboard Trump Bandwagon Yesterday, Susan Collins (R-ME) became the latest Senate Republican to denounce Donald Trump’s candidacy in an op-ed in the Washington Post, joining Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) among other Republicans.  Ohio Senator Rob Portman, however,... Continue »
Instead of Putting Party Over Country, Senator Should Un-Endorse Racist, Misogynistic Bully On CNN’s State of the Union yesterday, Governor John Kasich stood by his decision to skip the Republican convention in Cleveland because he could not “get up and endorse” the Party’s nominee.  Meanwhile, Senator Rob Portman continues to stand... Continue »
Republicans Like Paul Ryan, Mike Coffman, and Rob Portman Can’t Have it Both Ways In a story titled, “Top Nazi Leader: Trump Will Be A ‘Real Opportunity’ For White Nationalists,” Peter Holley of the Washington Post highlights how the white nationalist movement is viewing Trump’s candidacy as an opportunity to mainstream... Continue »
Washington, DC— Republicans are panicking. Four days of Trump attacks on a dignified American Muslim Gold Star Family, along with his refusal to apologize to them and other patriotic heroes, have turbocharged Hillary Clinton’s post-convention bounce. Talk of an intervention with Trump is in the air. Talk of a... Continue »
Seemingly unhinged by dropping poll numbers, Donald Trump continues to spiral out of control. The pressure is growing on fellow Republicans to withdraw their support for their nominee. In a piece titled, “GOP, Trump go from ‘unraveling’ to ‘break glass’ mode,” the NBC “First Read” political team writes, “Yesterday morning, we... Continue »
Mike Coffman: History Has Its Eyes on You Yesterday, Greg Sargent of the Washington Post called the question on GOP leaders who have yet to outright disavow their party’s presidential nominee. “If individual Republicans don’t break off their support for Trump’s candidacy now — by, say, withdrawing their endorsements — they run the... Continue »