Republican presidential candidates are again struggling with the issue of immigration. The Republicans' strategy appears to be: stick to their border security sound bites and avoid the other immigration issues at all costs. Yet such a balancing act remains increasingly tenuous for any of the 2012 candidates... Continue »
New public opinion analysis by Latino Decisions demonstrates that immigration remains important and motivating for Latino voters in the United States, especially because of their personal connection to the debate. As the polling makes clear, the rise in deportations and the lack of action on comprehensive immigration... Continue »
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) is at it again, introducing new legislation that reveals his own political agenda and hypocrisy while promising to make the already broken immigration system even worse. The Hinder the Administration's Legalization Temptation Act, or HALT Act, would strip the Obama Administration's ability to set... Continue »
It's a rare piece of legislation these days that unites state and local business organizations, the labor movement, and a range of faith denominations across the country together in outrage. But that's exactly what's happening in response to the mandatory E-Verify legislation being championed by Rep. Lamar Smith... Continue »
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) continues to insist that his forced E-Verify legislation would be a good thing for the U.S. economy and U.S. job seekers. However, Smith's fellow conservatives and leading libertarians disagree. Continue »
Senate Democrats, led by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), today reaffirmed their commitment to a common sense, comprehensive solution to "illegal" immigration by introducing the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2011. Continue »
The Smith-Grassley push to make the ineffective and burdensome E-Verify program mandatory nationwide continues to generate significant opposition from a broad range of observers, from the editorial board of La Opinion, the largest Spanish-language daily in the U.S., to the Service Employees International Union, to respected columnist Andres Oppenheimer.... Continue »
Yesterday, Congressman Lou Barletta (PA-11) released a statement expressing his strong opposition to Lamar Smith's E-Verify legislation, which would require all employers in the U.S. to use the flawed government program known as E-Verify to evaluate whether an employee is legal to work. Continue »
Yesterday, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) each introduced their own versions of mandatory E-Verify legislation. Freshman senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is an original cosponsor of the Grassley bill. Marco Rubio might have stayed out of the immigration debate in Florida but he definitely... Continue »
Today House Republicans, led by Reps. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), and Steve King (R-IA), unveiled the top bill on their anti-immigration agenda: a plan to make all employers in America use the deeply flawed E-Verify program to check the immigration status of their workers. Continue »