However Gov. Robert Bentley views the impact of Alabama's immigration law on recruiting new businesses to the state, he clearly sees trouble with aspects of the law. Bentley, in a speech to 679 business and elected leaders at a Birmingham Business Alliance luncheon Monday, said the immigration law needs... Continue »
After hearing tearful comments from students, teachers and others about Alabama's new immigration law, the Birmingham Board of Education said it will pass a resolution in the next few days condemning the law. Continue »
Apple growers say they could have had one of their best years ever if a shortage of workers hadn't forced them to leave some fruit on trees. Growers in Washington state, which produces about half of the nation's apples, say the labor shortage was made worse by a late... Continue »
About 20 college students urged the state Board of Regents Tuesday to rescind a policy that bars illegal immigrants from attending Georgia's top colleges. The rule, which went into effect this fall, prohibits illegal immigrants from attending schools that turned away academically qualified students the past two years. Continue »
The campaign to clean up immigration issues in South Carolina has once again put the state in the national spotlight. And, as usual, we're kind of blinded by the glare. First, on Halloween, the United States Justice Department announced it was seeking an injunction that would prevent S.C.'s new... Continue »
State Senator Russell Pearce, architect of Arizona's notorious anti-immigration law SB 1070, loses to Republican candidate Jerry Lewis in Arizona's recall election. Continue »
November 2011 | Click here to download PDF Over the course of a single year, Russell Pearce fell from secure incumbency to resounding defeat. Jerry Lewis beat incumbent State Senator Russell Pearce soundly in the first-ever recall election of a state politician in Arizona history, getting 53.4% of the... Continue »
In November of 2010, Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce, who sponsored Arizona's highly controversial anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, won reelection with a convincing 56.5% of the vote. He easily defeated two challengers, Democrat Andrew Sherwood and Libertarian Andrea Garcia. Last night, he was recalled. Continue »
Move over, Mark Krikorian. Make way, Mo Brooks. Turns out we've got another Republican none too shy about getting out there and defending the Alabama immigration law, humanitarian crisis be damned. Continue »
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) yesterday admitted that the state's worst-in-the-nation immigration law needs changes. Gov. Bentley's comments come after continued stories criticizing the economic catastrophe for Alabama agriculture, burdensome new requirements forced upon Alabama small businesses... Continue »