Reporting Rock Center's upcoming story about Alabama's controversial new immigration law, our team found this to be one of the key questions being debated: Are undocumented immigrants a drain on public finances or a boon to the economy? The two opposing sides each can cite studies and statistics to... Continue »
Citing Scripture and the early history of the United States, six Catholic and Protestant leaders from Kansas called on the federal government to act on comprehensive immigration reform. Continue »
While members of our team were down in Alabama last week, we swung by the Birmingham News to meet up with editorial writer and columnist Joey Kennedy, who wrote about the organizational response to HB 56 last Sunday. Continue »
The pro-immigrant Republican challenger, Jerry Lewis, beat incumbent State Senator Russell Pearce 53.4% to 45.4% in the first-ever recall election of a state politician in Arizona history. Continue »
Earlier this week, Rivera Communications and La Jefa Radio -- the largest Spanish- language radio station in Alabama launched their "14 Cities, 14 Days, One Family, One Alabama" walk across Alabama to meet and interview Alabamians from all walks of life, to broadcast live radio shows and hold rallies... Continue »
On a press call today, local and national immigration and labor experts discussed the results of the recall effort and what they mean for immigration policy and politics in the 2012 elections and beyond. Continue »
Amidst a busy election day, one of the most talked about races was in Arizona, where the architect of the state's notorious "papers please" immigration law, State Senator Russell Pearce was decisively defeated by fellow Republican Jerry Lewis in a historic recall election with national implications. The pro-immigrant... Continue »
Amidst a busy election day, one of the most talked about races was in Arizona, where the architect of the state's notorious "papers please" immigration law, State Senator Russell Pearce was decisively defeated by fellow Republican Jerry Lewis in a historic recall election with national implications. The pro-immigrant... Continue »
State Sen. Russell Pearce, the controversial architect of Arizona's immigration law, was voted out of office on Tuesday evening in a special recall election. He was defeated by Jerry Lewis, a fellow Republican who does not support the immigration crackdown and has vowed to reject gifts from special interest... Continue »
Reaction to state Sen. Russell Pearce's apparent defeat by political novice Jerry Lewis came swift and sure, with Pearce supporters lamenting the loss of a patriot and Lewis backers saying they had struck a blow for civility. Continue »