Mitt Romney thinks he's found his winning issue against Rick Perry: For weeks now he's been attacking Perry for signing a bill that grants in-state tuition to undocumented students. Yeah, that's Romney path to the White House: picking on kids. Continue »
Though the 2012 Republican presidential field continues to tack hard right on immigration, the candidates have thus far stayed silent on the topic of Alabama's devastating new immigration law. Continue »
Though the 2012 Republican presidential field continues to tack hard right on immigration, the candidates have thus far stayed silent on the topic of Alabama's devastating new immigration law. Continue »
Though the 2012 Republican presidential field continues to tack hard right on immigration, the candidates have thus far stayed silent on the topic of Alabama's devastating new immigration law. Continue »
The vanishing began Wednesday night, the most frightened families packing up their cars as soon as they heard the news. They left behind mobile homes, sold fully furnished for a thousand dollars or even less. Continue »
After a disappointing verdict that left some of the worst provisions of Alabama's immigration law HB 56 in effect, the federal government is finding itself ever more deeply entangled in a complicated legal thicket as it tries to figure out how to keep the list of states with their... Continue »
An incident at a Montgomery public school was cited Monday in a U.S. District Court case as a reason Alabama's new immigration law will have a chilling effect on whether children of illegal aliens attend school. Continue »
Only about 3.5 percent of Alabama's population is foreign-born, according to the Census Bureau. Undocumented immigrants made up roughly 4.2 percent of its work force in 2010, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Continue »
Maria Fernanda Cabello, a 20-year-old junior at Texas A&M University, moved to Texas from Mexico when she was 12 years old. She and her family came into the country on tourist visas that later expired, and she is now undocumented. Continue »
On September 21, 2011, H.R. 2885, legislation to make E-Verify mandatory across the nation, passed the House Judiciary Committee by a party line vote of 22-13. Does that mean the bill is on a smooth path to become law? Continue »