Just as they have in past election cycles, Republican presidential candidates are struggling with the issue of immigration. Judging from early lessons from the burgeoning 2012 race, the Republicans' strategy appears to be: stick to their border security sound bites and avoid the other immigration issues at all... Continue »
Boston's Mayor and Police Commissioners were early supporters of the Secured Communities program. But, they've seen first hand that S-Comm is not what it was promised to be. They were misled by DHS, which is deporting non-criminals and disrupting communities while making them less safe. The DHS message to... Continue »

Tell President Obama to keep Anthony Makk at home with his husband and AIDS patient, Bradford Wells.

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Mayor Thomas Menino, who often invokes his heritage as the grandson of an Italian immigrant, was one of the first local leaders in the country to embrace a federal program intended to improve community safety by deporting dangerous immigrant criminals. Continue »
On a sofa in the hallway of his office here, Mitchell Williams, the pastor of First United Methodist Church, announced that he was going to break the law. He is not the only church leader making such a declaration these days. Continue »
A new U.S. visa rule, taking effect Monday, appears likely to substantially lengthen the amount of time that Americans living overseas must wait before bringing along their noncitizen spouses or children if they have to move home quickly for personal or professional reasons, immigration lawyers say. Continue »
The 2012 presidential election will likely be about jobs and the economy -- and not about immigration. Just don't tell that to NumbersUSA, a nativist organization that recently graded 12 committed or prospective presidential candidates, including President Obama, on their immigration-related views, policies and statements. Continue »
In 2009, Alba and Eugenio were making almost twice the federal minimum wage, plus benefits, cleaning a skyscraper for a national janitorial company. With two toddlers, the Mexican couple enjoyed relative prosperity in a tidy one-bedroom duplex in a working-class neighborhood here. Continue »

Governor Quinn heard the call of community leaders and pulled Illinois out of Secure Communities. DHS, however, has just taken action against the people and elected leaders of Illinois, attempting to force the state (and all states) to participate, whether they want to or not.

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Governor Patrick heard the call of community leaders and pulled Massachusetts out of Secure Communities. DHS, however, has just taken action against the people and elected leaders of Massachusetts, attempting to force the state (and all states) to participate, whether they want to or not.

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