Criticism of the Obama Administration's Secure Communities deportation program has reached a new apex, as elected officials and law enforcement leaders offer serious rebukes of the program and immigrant communities and newspaper editorial boards call for it to be scrapped altogether. It's also become a major political problem... Continue »
We at America's Voice write semi-regular Profiles in Extremism, but today's subject really takes the cake. According to Loren Nichols, a candidate for city council in Kennewick, Washington state, undocumented immigrants should be "shot at the border...If they value their lives, they would leave." Continue »
Criticism of the Obama Administration's Secure Communities deportation program has reached a new apex, as elected officials and law enforcement leaders offer serious rebukes of the program and immigrant communities and newspaper editorial boards call for it to be scrapped altogether. Among the recent developments... Continue »
Hundreds gathered in Los Angeles on Monday night for a chance to address a federal task force that will propose changes to a controversial immigration enforcement program. Speaker after speaker at the lively meeting denounced the Secure Communities program. Continue »
mmigrants who say they were hauled into jail for reporting being the victim of domestic violence had one message for a federal government task force assigned to review an information-sharing effort that gives immigration authorities access to the fingerprints of arrestees. Continue »
A consortium of community advocates, political leaders and farmers launched a campaign this week called "Save America's Food and Economy," (SAFE) to protect farms and agriculture from the impact of H.R. 2164, otherwise known as the "Legal Workforce Act." Continue »
Texas Governor Rick Perry announced on Saturday that he is running for president in 2012. Gov. Perry will undoubtedly run on his strong economic record in Texas. After all, 38% of all jobs created in the United States have been in Texas since the "recovery." Continue »
One year after Arizona's dread SB 1070 took effect, progressives have transferred their fear and loathing to the 2011 winner in the mainstream media's toughest-immigration-law-in-the-nation contest: Alabama's HB 56. Continue »
Republican presidential candidates are again struggling with the issue of immigration. The Republicans' strategy appears to be: stick to their border security sound bites and avoid the other immigration issues at all costs. Yet such a balancing act remains increasingly tenuous for any of the 2012 candidates... Continue »
Just as they have in past election cycles, Republican presidential candidates are struggling with the issue of immigration. Judging from early lessons from the burgeoning 2012 race, the Republicans' strategy appears to be: stick to their border security sound bites and avoid the other immigration issues at all... Continue »