Governor Cuomo heard the call of community leaders and pulled New York out of Secure Communities. DHS, however, has just taken action against the people and elected leaders of New York, attempting to force the state (and all states) to participate, whether they want to or not.

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Tell President Obama to keep Anthony Makk at home with his husband and AIDS patient, Bradford Wells. Continue »
Bradford Wells and Anthony John Makk met nineteen years ago in Australia, and were married seven years ago in Massachusetts. But despite the fact that have been together for so long -- and the fact that Bradford is a U.S. citizen who is terminally ill -- immigration officials have... Continue »
For all of his rock-solid conservative credentials, if Texas Gov. Rick Perry runs for president, he may have an Achilles' heel: immigration. Continue »
Texas Gov. Rick Perry will undoubtedly focus his presidential campaign on Texas' relatively healthy economy and its low taxes. However, for all of his rock-solid conservative credentials, he may have an Achilles' heel: immigration. Continue »
Hundreds of Haitian activists rallied for immigration reform outside the Department of Homeland Security in Miami Thursday. Protesters said they are upset because Haitian immigrants are being sent back to their country. Continue »
Federal immigration officials announced Friday that they will be ramming the Secure Communities program down the throats of all states and cities nationwide by 2013. Continue »
Draconian. Rogue. Dangerous. Flawed. These are just some of the words used to describe the Department of Homeland Security's Secure Communities program, which, if it hasn't already, will soon be coming to a community near you. Continue »
Tuesday night, the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council's Task Force on Secure Communities held a pilot meeting at the Dallas County Community College's Bill J. Priest Campus to discuss ICE's controversial fingerprint screening program intended to snare dangerous undocumented immigrants. Continue »
Last week, Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) created a firestorm when the agency unilaterally ended all of its Memorandum of Agreements (MOA) related to the Secure Communities (S-Comm) program. ICE announced that the program will be mandatory, and it has caused an intense backlash among immigration advocates. Continue »