NYT editorial urging DHS to keeps its promise on detention reform despite departure of top official; asks for public release of her report (don't hold your breath). Intersection of health and immigration continues to upset Latino leaders: Reuters blog off of AV press conference last week and NPR interview with... Continue »
A Miami-based Hispanic group is mounting a national campaign against conservative CNN talk-show host Lou Dobbs, urging the network to restrain what they call ``his disparaging and inaccurate'' remarks about Hispanic immigrants. Continue »
20/09/09 a 6:43pm por Maribel Hastings La sabiduría del refrán nunca falla. Y así es: la soga siempre parte por lo más fino. En los pasados días vimos un debate sobre la reforma de salud ya fuera de control tornarse más nocivo cuando un republicano acusó al presidente Barack... Continue »
Immigration reform has become one of the most controversial topics in the political agenda here in the United States of America. However, very few people can agree on a reason why. The issue, in fact, is very basic. Continue »
Local and state representatives joined religious leaders, union representatives, workers and residents to address immigration reform during a community forum on Sept. 19 at the Queen of Peace Church in Aurora. Continue »
Last month the Obama administration announced that it was going to overhaul immigration detention, to impose accountability and safety on a system notoriously deficient in both. This month, the official chosen to lead the effort, Dora Schriro, announced that she was leaving Washington to become the commissioner of correction... Continue »
Los Angeles religious leaders have launched a phone campaign to urge lawmakers to include undocumented immigrants in any healthcare reform plan. Continue »
The last immigrant families have departed a disparaged former Texas prison that housed them while they awaited decisions in immigration cases, federal officials said Friday. Continue »
Democracia AHORA is the latest Hispanic group to have launched a campaign asking CNN to get rid of Lou Dobbs. They're kicking their campaign off today with a scathing report that reveals that ninety out of the hundred Hispanic leaders interviewed feel that Dobbs has created a negative image... Continue »
Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL) says yes to community call to introduce immigration reform legislation. There's a Washington Times piece that actually captures what's happening on the immigration and health care debate. Sen. Menendez, who is on the Senate Finance Committee, prepares to play a key role on immigrants... Continue »