Government auditors reported Thursday that the effort to secure the Mexican border with technology and fences has fallen years behind schedule, will cost billions of dollars extra in maintenance costs and has no clear means of gauging whether illegal crossings have been curtailed. Continue »
They battled adversity and overcame oppression. In traveling to America they sought opportunity and freedom. While so many lifelong Americans have grown tired of debating health reform and economic stability, these 504 new Americans can't wait to join the debate. Continue »
Yesterday Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) spoke at the National Citizenship Day celebration in Washington, DC, in front of hundreds of community leaders and Members of Congress, who urged him to introduce real immigration reform legislation, real soon. To an eager crowd, Rep. Gutierrez announced that he would introduce such... Continue »
Few of us have seen the world as Jose Hernandez has…literally. On Monday, José M. Hernández, an American astronaut and son of Mexican immigrant farm workers, announced that America should legalize undocumented immigrants, saying, according to the Associated Press: "The American economy needs them…I believe it's only fair to... Continue »
An academic study of the Criminal Alien Program in Irving released Wednesday by a California law school said there is "strong evidence" that Irving police racially profiled Hispanics and probably referred lawful residents to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Continue »
United States citizenship is a privilege for foreign nationals able to access it, and a necessity for immigrants who want to make a home in this country. It is the instrument allowing active participation in the political process instead of passive observation of decisions made by others. Continue »
One Family Under God. That is the name leaders of several religious traditions gave to a multilingual prayer service they held in Manhattan a few days ago. Its purpose: to show solidarity for fair and smart immigration reform. Continue »
After a huge push to drive up turnout, and after event organizers promised to storm Congress with anti-immigration citizen lobbyists this week, a mere fifty (yes, 50) people showed up for the Federation for American Immigration Reform's (FAIR) annual "Hold their Feet to the Fire" event in Washington, DC... Continue »
17/09/09 a 1:25pm Washington, DC – En un evento del Consorcio Nacional Coreano Estadounidense de Servicio y Educación (NAKASEC) y del Movimiento por una Reforma Migratoria Justa (FIRM), activistas pro inmigrantes le solicitaron  al congresista demócrata de Illinois, Luis Gutiérrez, que presente un proyecto de reforma migratoria integral que... Continue »
The immigration debate seems to be rushing forward on its own timetable—and without a structured frame to guide it, the effort is damaged from the start. As Rev. Luis Cortés, Jr., of Esperanza USA said during a call with media members yesterday, Democrats and Republicans are "running toward the... Continue »