Below is the seventh article in the series, “Immigration Reform Summer,” by Gebe Martinez, Advisor to America’s Voice Education Fund. This article is available for reprint as long as the author is given proper attribution. View other posts in the series here. Through the canyons of California and to...
The following is a press release from the Alliance 4 Citizenship: Reform activists from 40 cities and towns descend in Bakersfield after leading largest statewide caravan ever View photos of the event here Today, 1,900 immigrants, Latinos, Asians, and immigration reform supporters paid a visit to Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s...
In an article titled, “Immigration Overhaul Advocates Make Big August Push,” Holly Yeager of the Washington Post writes: “An unusual alliance of advocates — including Internet moguls and evangelicals, representatives of big business and labor unions — is working across the country during the August congressional recess in an all-out...
August recess–a whole stretch of time from early August to early September when Congress is not in session–is coming up, and for immigration reform advocates that means one thing: mobilizing in Congressional districts across the nation to make it clear that we want immigration reform, now. Some local advocacy...