The Spanish-language press keeps its attention on the preparations underway for the March for America taking place next Sunday, March 21st, in support of immigration reform. Meanwhile, NumbersUSA and other anti-immigrant groups are planning actions of their own, and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to the airwaves yesterday to... Continue »
Today, the Spanish-language press trumpets President Barack Obama's statement about his "unwavering commitment" to immigration reform and his desire to serve as a "partner" to its advocates, after several White House meetings to discuss what progress can be made to drive reform in Congress. Meanwhile, the federal government conducted... Continue »
The Spanish-language press is buzzing about meetings at the White House and plenty of marches: among anti-immigrant groups in Los Angeles, undocumented youth in Chicago, and the March for America in Washington, D.C. Continue »
The Spanish-language press keeps its attention on the postponed meeting between President Barack Obama and Senators Charles Schumber (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to discuss the legislative prospects of an immigration reform bill. The meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow. Continue »
The Spanish-language press highlights yesterday's press conference in Washington at which several pro-immigrant organizations charged that deportations have increased during the Obama administration compared to those carried out under President Bush. However, La Opinión reports that the Department of Homeland Security denies that deportations have increased by 47%, saying... Continue »
The Spanish-language media has its eyes on today's White House meeting between President Barack Obama and Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who have been working on a comprehensive immigration reform proposal which would include a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants. Univisió's sub-headline reads... Continue »
La Opinión (Los Angeles) publishes an article about the pressure President Obama and Congress are feeling to introduce immigration reform for debate, and the President's search for a legislative opportunity to tackle the issue. The article details recent activities in the Oval Office and the Capitol in advance of... Continue »
EFE issues a dispatch from Atlanta, where the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) is heading a boycott of Wal-Mart, due to start on March 20th, to ask the company to take a stand in support of immigration reform. "The point of this initiative is to call attention... Continue »
The Spanish-language press continues to highlight the importance of the March 21st march for immigration reform. The EFE reports that "Once, President George W. Bush was accused of failing to spend sufficient political capital on passing immigration reform. Now Obama confronts similar complaints, and the drama threatens to repeat... Continue »
A La Opinión article covers the inefficiency of using high-tech tools to patrol the border. The article cites an analysis by the TransBorder Project at the Washington, D.C.-based Center for International Policy which says that the cost of, for example, remotely-piloted unmanned planes (or "drones") is too high for... Continue »