The Spanish-language press keeps its attention on the postponed meeting between President Barack Obama and Senators Charles Schumber (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to discuss the legislative prospects of an immigration reform bill. The meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow.
An article in El Diario-La Prensa (New York), “Obama handles immigration reform,” quotes White House Director of Hispanic Media Luis Miranda saying that “the president’s commitment to fixing our broken immigration system is unswerving.”
The article also reports that “on March 5, representatives from Reform Immigration For America member organizations sent a letter addressed to President Obama and Democratic leaders in both houses of Congress.” The letter says that “We respectfully request that your Administration take strong action that will lead to the public release by March 21st of a bi-partisan and detailed blueprint for comprehensive immigration reform legislation. We also request that this blueprint include a date-certain for action in the Senate Judiciary Committee no later than April 23rd.”
El Diario adds that before tomorrow’s meeting between the President and Senators Schumer and Graham, Administration officials will meet with activists to discuss the issue of reform.