Today, the Spanish-language press gives significant coverage to the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Oklahoma City, where mayors from around the country condemned SB 1070 and called for action on immigration reform; The Supreme Court ruling in favor of immigrants charged with minor drug posession also received wide...
The Spanish-Language press covers the Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary meeting in Campeche, Mexico in where Legislators talk about immigration reform. Guatemalans are denied temporary protected status (TPS) while Harvard student who was detained over the weekend, faces deportation back to Mexico.
A hearing in the Capitol yesterday featured Arizona women and girls speaking out against SB 1070, as activists launch a new wristband campaign to protest the law. Meanwhile, the death of Sergio Adrian Hernández remains a top story in the Spanish-language press as it reverberates on the international stage.
Today's top story in the Spanish-language press deals with a pair of recent incidents in which Mexican citizens have died in encounters with U.S. Border Patrol agents. A group ofconservative and evangelical leaders calling for immigration reform also gathers some media attention.
Another immigrant, this one a teenager, has died at the hands of federal immigration agents. Meanwhile, the Spanish-language press reacts to last night's primary results in California and looks toward the next month in immigration reform.
The Spanish-language press reports on a Gallup poll showing that President Barack Obama is growing less popular with Hispanic voters. A study on immigration and the economy, a press conference on immigration and crime, and primary elections in California also grab headlines.
The Spanish-language press covers last Saturday's anti-immigrant protest in Arizona in support of SB 1070 and a statement from the Bishops of the Americas asking for comprehensive immigration reform.
Yesterday's White House meeting between President Obama and Arizona governor Jan Brewer gets top billing in the Spanish-language press today. FBI statistics about safety on the border, the aftermath of Anastasio Hernández' death at the hands of Border Patrol agents and continued civil disobedience around the country are also...
The Spanish-language press previews today's meeting between Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and President Barack Obama, and reports that the death of Anastasio Hernández in Border Patrol custody has been ruled a homicide.
The Spanish-language press reports that President Barack Obama plans to meet with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer this week at the White House. The death of an undocumented immigrant after an encounter with Border Patrol and a pair of encounters between members of the First Family and Peruvians also make...