Huffington Post (Blog): Missing Movements?
By Peter Dreier
La Opinión (Editorial): A historic moment
MSNBC: WATCH: There’s hope for immigration yet, says Rep. Gutierrez
By Jane Timm
Chicago Sun Times: Luis Gutierrez: Shutdown or not, there’s time for immigration reform
National Journal: Opportunity Costs of the Shutdown
By Lucia Graves
ABC/Univision: GOP’s Hispanic Outreach Stalls [Analysis]
By Jordan Fabian
Washington Post: Ads hit Cuccinelli on immigration, schools
By Laura Vozzella
McClatchy Newspapers: Behind the scenes, business leaders press for immigration overhaul
By Franco Ordonez
New York Times: Veto Halts Bill for Jury Duty by Noncitizens in California
By Jennifer Medina
Los Angeles Times: Gov. Brown vetoes allowing non-citizens on California juries
By Patrick McGreevy
KPCC Radio: Growers push California GOP on immigration
By Kitty Felde
Associated Press (Montana): Lawsuit alleges officers profiled minority drivers
By Matt Gouras
NBC Latino: Thousands to gather in National Mall for massive immigration rally, march
By Sandra Lilley
Wall Street Journal: Immigration Rally Goes Forward on Mall
By Laura Meckler
Washington Post (Blog): Immigration reform, after all this?
By Jennifer Rubin