Roll Call: ‘How Democracy Works Now’ Documentaries Premiere at New York Film Festival
By Jason Dick
International Business Times: 2013 Immigration Reform: Another Casualty Of Government Shutdown?
By Laura Matthews
KPCC (California): Immigration poll puts pressure on Central Valley lawmakers
By Kitty Felde
Fresno Bee (California): Fresno gathering promotes poll showing Valley support for immigration reform
By Carmen George
New York Times (Blog): ‘How Democracy Works Now’
By Lawrence Downes
Politico: DNC makes Spanish calls on shutdown
By Tal Kopan
Christian Post: Immigration Reform Moving Forward Despite Shutdown, Evangelical Leaders Say
By Morgan Lee
Fortune: Steve Case: Still ‘optimistic’ on immigration reform
By Dan Primack
Huffington Post (Texas): Texas Republicans Attack Dream Act As GOP Launches Latino Outreach Initiative
By Roque Planas
WBUR (Arizona): Arizona Activist Won’t Give Up On Immigration Reform
By Jeremy Hobson
Associated Press (Nebraska): Omaha rally to call for immigration reform
Capital News Service (Maryland): Maryland Immigrant Advocacy Groups Consider State Legislation Following Rally
By Natalie Kornicks
MLive (Michigan): Growers say lack of immigration reform is crippling their efforts to harvest crops
By Jim Harger
The Hill (Congress Blog): Wanted: Profiles in courage on immigration reform
By Brent A. Wilkes
Chicago Sun-Times (Opinion): Fight for immigration reform continues
By Sylvia Puente
Great Falls Tribune (Montana — Opinion): Montana opinion: It’s time for immigration reform in U.S.
By Susie Rodriguez
San Antonio Express-News (Texas — Opinion): Time to pass immigration reform