Remember Wednesday night's GOP debate in Mesa, Arizona, where the Republican candidates proclaimed that Arizona and its extremist SB 1070 anti-immigrant law was a model for the country? Continue »
Mitt Romney didn't just praise Arizona's draconian immigration law during Wednesday night's GOP debate. He said it was a model for the country. "I think you see a model in Arizona," Romney told CNN debate moderator John King, listing off an employment verification system, a border fence, and increasing... Continue »
In terms of the impact it could have in November, the most important moment of last night's debate may have come when Mitt Romney hailed the Arizona immigration law as a "model" for the nation while Sheriff Joe Arpaio beamed approvingly. Continue »
Very interesting report from the Rachel Maddow show last night on Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) and his potential role in the GOP presidential race. Continue »
Dana Milbank noted last week, "When it comes to Latino voters, Republicans must have un impulso suicida. What else but a death wish could explain the party's treatment of the fastest-growing voting bloc in the nation?" Continue »
Pollsters in both parties believe that just softening the tone could move GOP numbers dramatically. Most Latinos still point to bread-and-butter issues like jobs and the economy as chief concerns, and on the specifics of how immigration policies should be reformed, there is a diversity of Latino opinion. Continue »
At the GOP debate in Arizona, Mitt Romney took his pandering to new heights and praised that state's "papers, please" law, SB 1070, as "a model" for the nation. We beg to differ. Arizona is a model for both bad policy and bad politics. Continue »
While the GOP presidential candidates were pandering to Sheriff Joe Arpaio and embracing a hardline immigration stance at the debate in Mesa, Arizona last night, DREAMers were making their presence known outside the event, rallying for the DREAM Act and calling attention to Mitt Romney's promise to veto it. Continue »
Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich were quick to remind the Arizona GOP debate crowd that they're tough on the immigration issue. When asked to explain his recent use of the term "severely conservative" to describe himself, Romney voluntarily brought up the fact that he allowed state police to enforce... Continue »
In 2008, after Republicans were routed in the presidential and congressional elections, there was widespread consensus within elite GOP circles about the party's structural problems: The Republican voter base was too old, too white, too male and too strident for the party to prosper long term in a country... Continue »