Lou's main defense against being branded "anti-immigrant" is to vigorously proclaim his support for legal immigration. Well, Truth in Immigration's latest video slams Dobbs for backing down on legal immigration and blindly citing FAIR (a recognized hate group) talking points to tank bipartisan legislation in Arizona around legal immigration.... Continue »
Just when we thought we already had enough problems with the Wall Street fiasco, in walks Michelle Malkin. The right-wing blogger and television loudmouth has given us a new group to point fingers at. That's right, the current Wall Street meltdown has nothing to do with government ineptitude or... Continue »
The latest installment of the popular right-wing "blame the immigrants," game is a whopper. Conservative blogger, occasional television pundit, and consistent right wing loudmouth Michelle Malkin is -- get ready -- blaming illegal immigration for our nation's current economic crisis. No joke. Neither Wall Street greed nor irresponsible government... Continue »
After finding himself in the middle of a fight between John McCain and Barack Obama on immigration reform, conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh decided to broadcast some of his immigration views en Espa�ol on today’s show.Click here to check out our response to Rush. Continue »
In an unusual move, the hate group FAIR denounced itself for using "inflammatory language" to "silence proponents of immigration reform." The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) was responding to our full-page ad in the Politico, which alerted Members of Congress to the group's true nature just as FAIR... Continue »