Responding angrily to a campaign ad from Newt Gingrich accusing him of being anti-immigrant, Mitt Romney insisted during last week's Republican debate at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville that he has no problem with immigrants. Continue »
In a Florida Republican primary notable for the bleakness of its attacks, one event offered a singular ray of hope. Speaking to a Hispanic group in Miami, Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, took a tentative step toward reclaiming his party's pro-immigrant legacy. Continue »
The squawking heads were all in such a rush to declare Mitt Romney the winner of the debate on Thursday night that they forgot to listen to what he actually said. Romney, in parrying Newt Gingrich's charge that he is the most anti-immigrant candidate, forcefully declared: "I'm not anti-immigrant." Continue »
They call Casa Marín, "the lucky corner" ("La Esquina de la Suerte" in Spanish), and the restaurant's owner assures me that candidate Mitt Romney's visit to his establishment on Sunday guarantees his triumph in today's Republican primary. Continue »
Four years ago, Miami-based GOP strategist Ana Navarro served as the co-chair of John McCain's Hispanic advisory council. This year, she's a bystander to the 2012 primary contest: She worked on Jon Huntsman's campaign, but hasn't signed on with another candidate since Huntsman's presidential effort ended. Continue »
As Republican presidential candidates battle for the Latino vote in Florida, President Barack Obama's campaign released a memo predicting that he would win the Hispanic support by something verging on a record margin. Continue »
With the Florida primary days away, the Republican primary candidates have crafted immigration policies that are out of step with … wait for it … Republicans. Compare the answers of four Republican presidential candidates... Continue »
Mitt Romney is poised to win the Florida Republican primary and polls suggest he will win with virtually all key demographic groups – including Hispanics. But given Romney's controversial calls for "self-deportation," his promise in Iowa to veto the DREAM Act, and his embrace of Arizona and Alabama... Continue »
Speaking to the Hispanic Leadership Network (HLN), Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida sounded like someone who knows he's being considered as a possible running mate for the Republican nominee this fall. Continue »
At DailyKos, Markos Moulitsas looked at the polling numbers on Latinos and the presidential candidate. He sees "zero opening" for the GOP when it comes to attracting Latino voters. Continue »