"This American Life," the New York Times Lede blog and the Rachel Maddow show this week both put out pretty amusing historical pieces on the concept of self-deportation and its origins as a hysterical, satirical joke. Continue »
Ever since Mitt Romney issued his support for "self-deportation," a policy also known as "attrition through enforcement," voices from around the country have responded by highlighting just how unworkable and extreme a policy like this would be. Continue »
Mitt Romney took a hard line on illegal immigration, was labeled anti-immigrant and had a national network of Hispanic Republicans come out against him, yet he won Florida's primary by carrying more than half of Hispanics who voted - better than he did among whites. Continue »
Displaying his willingness to say what audiences don't always want to hear, Rep. Ron Paul on Wednesday told a largely Hispanic crowd that he opposes the DREAM Act legislation aimed at helping children of illegal immigrants. Continue »
ONE of my happiest childhood memories is of my parents at my First Communion. But that's because most of my memories from that time are of their being absent. They weren't there for my elementary school graduation, or for parent-teacher conferences. Continue »
An unusual thing happened on the way to Mitt Romney's comfortable win in Tuesday's GOP primary election. Immigration, not a key topic for Hispanics in Florida, forced two top Republican leaders in the state to plead for a more moderate stance on the issue or face the possibility that... Continue »
To many, the winner of last night's primary in the Sunshine State has practically guaranteed himself the Republican presidential nomination. Erasing his loss four years ago, Mitt Romney, the improbable candidate, won Florida on the way to his coronation as Barack Obama's opponent this November. Continue »
With Mitt Romney's resounding victory in Florida's Republican primary yesterday, bolstered by 54% support from Latino voters, it is important to put Romney's victory in context. What does it mean for the general election competition for the Latino vote, in Florida and beyond? Continue »
MIAMI - Para muchos, el triunfador de la primaria del Estado del Sol prácticamente se asegura la nominación presidencial republicana y contrario a cuatro años atrás, Mitt Romney, el candidato improbable, se alzó en Florida en su ruta a la coronación como el rival del presidente Barack... Continue »
Hispanic super-PACs have arrived. Behind them is the conviction that they can bolster the political power of one of the nation's fastest-growing groups in a way that the major parties have failed to do so. Continue »