Yesterday, in Phoenix, AZ, undocumented youth and allies with the DRM Capitol Group, the Arizona DREAM Act Coalition and others delivered approximately 8,000 petitions to the Arizona Republican Party headquarters, urging Republican candidates to stop opposing the DREAM Act and to change their rhetoric on immigration. Continue »
Yesterday, the Democratic National Committee hosted a conference call with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Representative Charlie Gonzalez (D-TX-20), who chairs the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and Dolores Huerta, tho co-founder of the United Farm Workers. Continue »
There have been repeated warnings about the anti-immigrant rhetoric in the GOP presidential campaign. But, Mitt Romney keeps digging deeper with a new ad taking a swipe at Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor and the revelation that he's scheming with Kris Kobach to institute a mass deportation scheme. Continue »
A group of Latino voters is trying to keep immigration at the forefront of the presidential race in Arizona and elsewhere. DRM Capitol Group, a national lobbying group representing undocumented youth, working together with the Arizona Dream Act Coalition, today delivered 8,000 signatures on petitions to the Arizona Republican... Continue »
If there was still any doubt about Mitt Romney's position on immigration, it was erased last Thursday during the CNN Republican presidential debate in Mesa, Arizona. The former Michigan governor referred to Arizona's controversial HB1070 law as "a model" for the nation. Continue »
For years, Nora Castaneda watched her Mormon community grow and grow as it drew converts from a burgeoning Hispanic population in Mesa, Arizona. Then, in 2010, it all went into slow motion. Continue »
Celia Alejandra Alvarez spent three months in a Maricopa County jail after deputies arrested her and other illegal immigrants working at a landscaping business. She said a saving grace during the "90 long days" three years ago were the visits and help she received from her "brothers" and "sisters"... Continue »
Mr. Manuel Ramírez Chávez was born in Michoacán, Mexico, but arrived in the United States when he was eight years old. Fifty-six years later, at the age of 64, he's finally becoming a citizen. He didn't do it earlier, he said, "because I'd never seen as much discrimination as... Continue »
Jan Brewer is one very busy governor. The Arizona Governor has been in town for the National Governors' Association 2012 Winter Meeting, with a schedule so booked up that she's had to decline invitations left and right. Continue »
I bet Mitt Romney has a sweatshirt that says I (heart) Florida. His victory in the Sunshine State revitalized his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination. Florida also gave him an opportunity to explain his immigration policy. Continue »