This could catch on and become the hippest swear word of 2012 thanks to Romney's very kind encouragement (*snark*). There is also this: Go Deport Yourself! And how about a spin-off concept: Do-It-Yourself Deportation. Continue »
In order to win over the most conservative, extremist voters in the Arizona Republican primary (which will be held Tuesday, February 28th), presidential candidate Mitt Romney called the state's immigration policy a "model" for others to follow. Continue »
Remember Wednesday night's GOP debate in Mesa, Arizona, where the Republican candidates proclaimed that Arizona and its extremist SB 1070 anti-immigrant law was a model for the country? Continue »
Mitt Romney didn't just praise Arizona's draconian immigration law during Wednesday night's GOP debate. He said it was a model for the country. "I think you see a model in Arizona," Romney told CNN debate moderator John King, listing off an employment verification system, a border fence, and increasing... Continue »
In terms of the impact it could have in November, the most important moment of last night's debate may have come when Mitt Romney hailed the Arizona immigration law as a "model" for the nation while Sheriff Joe Arpaio beamed approvingly. Continue »
Very interesting report from the Rachel Maddow show last night on Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) and his potential role in the GOP presidential race. Continue »
Dana Milbank noted last week, "When it comes to Latino voters, Republicans must have un impulso suicida. What else but a death wish could explain the party's treatment of the fastest-growing voting bloc in the nation?" Continue »
Pollsters in both parties believe that just softening the tone could move GOP numbers dramatically. Most Latinos still point to bread-and-butter issues like jobs and the economy as chief concerns, and on the specifics of how immigration policies should be reformed, there is a diversity of Latino opinion. Continue »
Anti-immigrant law drafter extraordinaire Kris Kobach continues to play dumb about the racist organization bankrolling his efforts, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and its founder John Tanton. Continue »
In the compelling personal narrative that has helped propel Florida Senator Marco Rubio to national political stardom, one chapter has gone completely untold: Rubio spent his childhood as a faithful Mormon. Continue »