According to a new poll from FOX News, "Latino voters favor President Barack Obama by six-to-one over any of the Republican presidential hopefuls." None of the GOP hopefuls garner more than 14% of the Latino vote against Obama. Continue »
The battle for the crucial Latino vote is escalating. Three of the largest Hispanic groups in the nation have launched countrywide voter registration and education drives, but they're facing a new set of powerful obstacles. Continue »
At the Feb. 22 Republican presidential debate in downtown Mesa, Mitt Romney said an Arizona law offered "a model" for national illegal-immigration policy. But which state statute was the former Massachusetts governor talking about? Continue »
It seemed inevitable that immigration would come up at the Republican presidential candidates' confab last week in Arizona, a state at the epicenter of a debate over what to do with the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Continue »
"An elephant never forgets," they say. A handful of new studies confirm that this old adage has some truth to it. Turns out, what the lumbering creatures remember best is which elephants have been friendly to their herd and which have not. Continue »
Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) turned a Mitt Romney debate line around on its head today with a speech on the House floor denouncing the idea that Arizona and its SB 1070 anti-immigrant law could be "a model" for the nation. Continue »
Amidst Mitt Romney's victory in the Arizona primary yesterday are a series of indicators that show how the Republicans' mishandling of the immigration issue during the primary season could have serious general election consequences for the GOP. Continue »
As voters in Arizona and Michigan were voting in their states' GOP primaries Tuesday, Democrats fired another round of criticism about front-runner Mitt Romney and what they say is his hostility to Latinos. Continue »
Following the hour-long interview from the White House granted last September to The Huffington Post , MSN Latino and Yahoo en Español, President Obama has recently stepped up his efforts to connect with the Hispanic community, granting more interviews and answering Latino voters' questions. Continue »
It's no coincidence that Barack Obama's 2012 campaign will open its fourth Arizona office in the middle of the heavily Latino neighborhood of Glendale. Betting on the increase in eligible Latino voters, and on the mobilization generated by anti-immigrant politics here, Democrats are hoping that Arizona won't just be... Continue »