Largely lost in the build-up to the Iowa caucuses was a moment that could ultimately prove decisive in this year's presidential election: Mitt Romney's threat to veto the DREAM Act, a bill that would provide a path to citizenship to some undocumented children of immigrants who attend college or... Continue »
"A Republican probably can't win without about 40 percent, minimum, of the Hispanic and Latino vote." You've heard that many times from America's Voice. Now, it's coming from Larry Sabato, "a well-respected election prognosticator." Continue »
Today on a press call, experts on Latino voters, the politics of immigration, and the DREAM Act highlighted how Mitt Romney's recent pledge to veto the DREAM Act will imperil his chances in the general election. Continue »
Last night was the official first start for the 2012 race to the White House, and as we expected the issue of immigration was never far from the limelight. Continue »
Romney's recent vow to veto the DREAM Act continues to dog him -- and will be a major issue moving forward, especially in Florida. DREAMers sent an open letter to Romney, challenging his position. But, the GOP candidate reiterated his opposition to the DREAM Act today. Continue »
Congress failed to enact any meaningful immigration legislation this year, leaving in place a woefully flawed system. Sure, it's a vexing issue. But ignoring the problem only makes matters worse. Here are five troubling trends. Continue »
As the Republican presidential campaign moves into the homestretch before the first caucus and primaries of the 2012 campaign, it's increasingly clear that the candidate field is lacking a true moderate on immigration reform in the style of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Continue »
Newt Gingrich insisted Sunday that some illegal immigrants who have become full community members should be able to stay in the country, but he added that his policy would require 7 million or more to go back to their home nations before having a chance to return. Continue »
Immigration is getting a disproportionate amount of attention in the race for the 2012 presidential nomination and the rhetoric used by candidates is likely to chase voters away, according to organizations supporting what they call "commonsense" immigration reform. Continue »
A series of media outlets reported yesterday that a key phrase used in Mitt Romney's stump speech and campaign advertisements, "Keep America American," turns out to be a slogan the Ku Klux Klan used in the 1920s to protest the arrival of Irish immigrants. Continue »