A reasonable conservative approach to immigration -- that's not something we've heard much about recently, what with all the extreme campaign rhetoric and state laws. But this week, a conservative coalition in Utah gives immigration reform advocates a reason to hope that a rational dialogue on this contentious issue... Continue »
A group of business, community and religious leaders on Thursday publicly threw their support behind five principals to guide immigration discussion in the state. Continue »
"Having worked the border since '93 when I was the U.S. attorney in Arizona, there is more federal law enforcement than ever before, more technology than ever before, more infrastructure than ever before, more efforts with state and local law enforcement than ever before and a much more robust... Continue »
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who was re-elected last week with strong support from Latino voters, will make one last push in the final days of the 111th Congress to pass legislation allowing illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children to earn legal status if they attend... Continue »
A failure to reform the nation's immigration laws is the result of an electoral process that forces the parties to seek ideologically pure candidates, former President George W. Bush said in his new memoir. Continue »
Luis Guerra swore he had nothing to do with any murder, that whoever picked him out of a lineup was wrong. Still, he was held at the Rikers Island jail for more than a year before the charges were dropped. It didn't end there. Continue »
Beyond mandating E-Verify and banning "sanctuary cities," the next session might see a more robust Immigration and Customs Enforcement, meaning more illegal immigrants could be sought out and deported. ICE removals are at a record high this year, but Republicans still accuse the Obama administration of lax enforcement. Continue »
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to push for a vote during the lame-duck session on a bill that would legalize young, undocumented immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military, according to Democratic sources familiar with a leadership conference call Wednesday. Continue »
Today we honor his memory, as well as the memory of all of our fallen servicemen and women. But American history is filled with both the stories of immigrants making the ultimate sacrifice for the land they love and the current crisis of young immigrants being blocked from serving the... Continue »
As deportations have increased under the Obama administration, immigration judges have also increasingly denied requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deport people who were legitimately entitled to stay in the country , according to new data obtained by Syracuse University's Transaction Records Access Clearinghouse. Continue »