The news is not good for them, the report says. Come Election Day, the three amigos can count on immigrant voters turning out en masse - and turning their dream of mass deportations into a veritable nightmare - the group found. Continue »
Last week, the latest ImpreMedia - Latino Decisions Tracking poll showed that immigration is a top issue for 47% of Latino voters. That's an impressive figure. However, it's also important to keep in mind that immigration reform has the support of a broad majority of voters, not just... Continue »
America's Voice Education Fund released a report today breaking the GOP code on immigration. The PR-friendly phrase "attrition through enforcement" popularly used by the House Immigration Subcommittee is actually a euphemism for mass deportation. Continue »
Finally, after nearly two years, a jury in Pima County, Arizona convicted Minuteman member Shawna Forde for her role in the murders of 9 year-old Brisenia Flores and her father, Raul. Elisa Foley from the Huffington Post reports: A jury convicted Forde of planning and executing the raid that... Continue »
What the census shows is that America's racial minorities, aggregated together, are on track to become its majority. The Republican Party's response to this epochal demographic change has been to do everything in its power to keep America (particularly its electorate) as white as can be. Continue »
"We could tell by looking at her that she was not originally from this country," O'Brien said. Another lawmaker asked O'Brien how she could tell the woman wasn't a legal citizen. O'Brien replied: "Well, she wasn't black, she wasn't Asian and she had the olive complexion." Continue »
There was nothing but bad news for Republicans in the Census data released last week. Preliminary estimates reveal a rapidly browning America. Ethnic and racial minorities accounted for 85 percent of the nation's population growth over the last decade, the bulk coming from Latinos. Continue »
The hard-line anti-immigrant lobby and their champions in Congress believe that the 11 million undocumented people living in the United States today should be offered only one option: get out. "Attrition through enforcement" is the name they have devised for a basket of policies that are designed to achieve... Continue »
"This is making us into a police state that will try to catch people when they are sick," said George Pauk, a retired doctor with an organization called Physicians for a National Health Program. "Do we want to stop sick people from coming in for health care?" Continue »
Arpaio has made national headlines over the years for his tough stance on crime and illegal immigration. It was unclear how much interest he has in running for Senate versus running for re-election as sheriff, but he is being urged by his supporters to pursue the Congressional seat, according... Continue »