More than two decades ago, Celina Hernandez gave birth to a daughter in her native Mexico. But the newborn died hours later because she was three months' premature and her family couldn't afford the incubator she needed to survive. Continue »
At the end of a grueling lame-duck session, President Barack Obama spoke to the press about the session's highs and lows. He said that his "biggest disappointment" was not being able to pass the DREAM Act, and pledged to keep fighting for immigration reform, "so we are... Continue »
Despite the harsh anti-immigration rhetoric from some Republicans on the campaign trail, the newly empowered GOP could be walking a tightrope when it actually comes to tackling the issue in the next Congress Continue »
Our country and workforce have evolved over the past 35 years. When I first owned a fast-food restaurant in the l970s, and later in the 1980s, a lot of moms worked part time Monday through Friday during the lunch hours for additional income. Their children worked evenings and weekends... Continue »
While the Census numbers for Hispanic voters won't be out until February or March, interested Census geeks can tide themselves over with the predictions America's Voice made earlier this year in our report "The New Constituents: How Latino Population Growth Will Shape Congressional Apportionment after the 2010 Census." The... Continue »
Devastated by the Senate's failure last week to grant them a path to citizenship, undocumented young people throughout California are vowing renewed activism to win legal immigration status if they attend college or serve in the military. Continue »
While a minority of cowardly senators blocked the dreams of so many talented youth this week, we know this: in the battle between justice and injustice, inclusion and exclusion, courage and cowardice, victory is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. Sign our holiday card... Continue »
A path to legal status for illegal residents might not happen soon, the president agrees in a meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. But he says he's not giving up. Continue »
This just in, from today's press briefing with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, where a reporter asked about the possibilities for protection for DREAM youth moving forward. Gibbs was also asked about next steps for comprehensive immigration legislation and the DREAM Act. Continue »
We now know which states will lose and gain representation next year, but the real Census-politics story won't be written for a few months, when we find out how many Hispanic voters the country has gained. The answer will affect more than just House seats: It could put typically red... Continue »