For generations, we Texans gave our boys names like William Travis and Sam Houston. Know what the No. 1 name for boys in Texas is today? No, not Rick Perry or George W. For 14 of the last 15 years, it's been Jose. Continue »
North Carolina officials are seeking the termination of a deported Mexican man's parental rights, arguing that his U.S.-born children are better off in this country than in Mexico. Continue »
On a spring morning in 2010, Leticia dropped two of her children at school, and continued on to run errands with her 4-year-old daughter. Then, she was stopped at a checkpoint. According to retired San Diego police officer, Carlos Ronquillo, who was a witness, Escondido was conducting a DUI... Continue »
The Dream Act is an aptly named-but-star-crossed piece of federal legislation that would open a path to legal status for young unauthorized immigrants who pursue college degrees or serve in the military. Continue »
On a pre-primary press call, the day before the contentious Alabama GOP primary, immigrant reform experts and leaders from religious and immigrant youth communities shed light on the devastating toll that Alabama's anti-immigration law (HB 56) has had on Latino families and warned of the role Alabama will play... Continue »
Lawrence Downes writes a thoughtful piece in the NYT, outlining the impact that Arizona's SB 1070 has had on immigration politics, noting that since SB 1070, 31 states have introduced legislation "imitating all or part of S.B. 1070." Continue »
Late last month, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released new health and safety standards for immigration detainment facilities, which now include things like visitation rights and permission to adhere to dietary restrictions. Continue »
Thousands of activists representing civil rights groups, labor unions and education organizations rallied at the Capitol on Friday afternoon, vowing to fight Ala­bama's tough immigration laws and other issues related to minorities. Continue »
He is the brains behind the controversial Alabama and Arizona immigration laws, as well as countless other state laws and local ordinances to fight illegal immigration. Kris Kobach is the Kansas Secretary of State and a rising star in the Republican Party. And depending on who wins the presidential... Continue »
Snoopy and Charlie Brown may never make it onto an Alabama high school stage because of the state's strict, new immigration law. A public high school has put the production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" on hold after a New York licensing house that owns the... Continue »