Republican politicians have overwhelmingly embraced an approach to immigration reform that offers only misery, arrest and punishment to the undocumented. That is popular with party's hard-right base, but toxic with Hispanic voters — which has led some Republicans to come up with proposals that seem to shimmer with promise... Continue »
Historically, New York has been a mecca of immigration, with countless stories of the Statue of Liberty being the first thing that the denizens of established Irish and Jewish neighborhoods arriving in New York City saw after suffering in steerage class across continents. Continue »
LAMAR SMITH, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is presiding over a hearing Wednesday on new guidelines for immigration detention that were issued last month and are now beginning to go into effect. Continue »
A few weeks ago, the right-wing Daily Caller ran a piece with the sensational headline "Transgender hormone treatments, abortion access for detained illegals irks congressman." It's about House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith's opposition to humane treatment of immigrants detained by our government as they fight deportation. Continue »
A few weeks ago, the right-wing Daily Caller ran a piece with the sensational headline "Transgender hormone treatments, abortion access for detained illegals irks congressman." It's about House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith's opposition to humane treatment of immigrants detained by our government as they fight deportation. Continue »
A concept originally envisioned by Romney advisor Kris Kobach and facilitated by the hyper-conservative American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the "self-deportation" theory holds, improbably, that if you make life so intolerable and terrorizing for undocumented immigrants in the United States they will pack up their lives and their families... Continue »
California's GOP primary isn't until June 5, but frontrunner Mitt Romney is spending part of this week in California fundraising, which means that the DREAMers bird-dogging him have big plans in California too. Continue »
Undocumented young people plan to hold rallies on Monday and Tuesday to "unwelcome" Mitt Romney to several California cities that will be hosting Romney fundraisers. They're focusing on his opposition to the Dream Act, hoping to push him to support the bill in order to win over Latino voters. Continue »
Georgia legislators are considering a proposal that would bar undocumented immigrants from receiving marriage licenses or access to water and sewage. The bill sponsored by Sen. Barry Loudermilk, R-Cassville, has gotten a lot of attention because it would also bar undocumented immigrants from the state's public colleges, universities and... Continue »
Restrictive policies aimed at undocumented immigrants have pushed them underground, fostered negative perceptions of law enforcement and created anxiety around mundane activities such as walking their children to school and driving, according to a report released Monday that focuses on North County. Continue »