Facing a tough re-election fight and the overwhelming pro-Dreamer sentiment of the diversifying Texas electorate, Senator John Cornyn claimed that he “strongly supports the legalization of Dreamers” in a recently-released Spanish-language ad.
America’s Voice and others called him out, highlighting that Cornyn voted no on the legalization of Dreamers in 2006, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2018. We labeled his Texas two-step move the “Cornyn Con,” or in Spanish, “La Farsa Cornyn.” He talks big in Texas about how he supports Dreamers and fights for immigration reform, while in Washington he undermines legislation that legalizes Dreamers and advances immigration reform.
He’s at it again. Caught in his own lie in his Spanish-language ad, Cornyn is now changing his tune – claiming he has evolved and now supports a standalone bill to legalize Dreamers. Well, here’s a chance to prove it, Senator Cornyn. Just such a standalone bill exists. It’s H.R. 6, The Dream and Promise Act, and it passed the House of Representatives in 2019. It’s now “at the desk” in the Senate, and all it needs is for Senate leadership to bring it up. John Cornyn is the second-in-command in the Senate, so it seems he has a huge opportunity to make good on his new rhetoric.
A Houston Chronicle story posted last night quotes America’s Voice Executive Director Frank Sharry reacting to Cornyn’s latest excuse, which attempts to blame the White House for the lack of progress for Dreamers, while portraying himself as a pro-Dreamer advocate to the administration. As Sharry says:
“Cornyn calling Trump about DACA is ‘literally unbelievable.’ … ‘He talks a good game about the need for a humane approach for young people … There is a canyon-size gap between what he says and what he does.’”
The following is a statement from Mario Carrillo, the Texas-based Campaigns Manager for America’s Voice, who is married to a Dreamer with DACA:
If John Cornyn really wants to prove to us and others that he cares about Dreamers, he’s got a simple way to prove it.
Instead of Spanish-language ads and excuses, John Cornyn should remember that he’s currently in the United States Senate, has been since 2003, and knows how the Senate operates. In fact, he has the power to call for a vote on the ‘Dream and Promise Act’ to actually legalize Dreamers. Make a public statement, Senator. Tell Mitch McConnell you want that vote as soon as the Senate reconvenes.
Are you a leader or a liar, Senator?
You say you care about Dreamers and that your position has evolved? Prove it. Call for a Senate vote today. We will be watching.