New Ads Running Through Election Day to Highlight Immigration’s Role in AZ Senate, Arpaio Sheriff Race, & Bilbray’s CA-52 House Race
As the final days of the 2012 campaign draw near, America’s Voice is launching a six-figure radio and online ad buy to inform Arizona and San Diego Latino voters about the immigration positions taken by their candidates.
Starting today, the ads will run in heavy rotation through Election Day on Spanish-language radio outlets in Phoenix, Tucson, and San Diego. In Arizona, ads will target the U.S. Senate race between Jeff Flake and Richard Carmona and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s race between Joe Arpaio and Paul Penzone. In California, ads will target the toss-up U.S. House race between Brian Billbray and Scott Peters in CA-52.
The ads feature prominent DREAMers as the narrators of the spots, who state in all three ads that Latino voters in Arizona and San Diego can “use their vote to stand up to the discriminatory and anti-immigrant policies.” They then go onto explain, “But not us. We’re the DREAMers, the undocumented young people of the DREAM Act who, without papers and without fear, fight to complete our college education, serve our country, and achieve a path to citizenship.” Click here for the full transcripts of the ads targeting Flake/Carmona, Arpaio/Penzone and Bilbray/Peters.
Latino Decisions recently conducted polling of Arizona Latinos for America’s Voice, and the results are clear. The issue of immigration reform is important to Latino voters, and the candidates’ positions on the issue matter. According to the poll, Carmona is leading 75%-12% over Flake among Arizona Latinos. Earlier Latino voter polls, including a national poll released in July focusing on Arizona’s SB 1070 and another Arizona Latino voter poll conducted in June, revealed much of the same about the importance of immigration in determining the voting behavior of Latinos.
Several of the DREAMers featured in the ads are available to explain why they think these races are important. If you’d like to learn more or schedule an interview with one of the DREAMers in the ads, please email
- Ad Scripts and Recordings:
- The Facts Behind America’s Voice Ads in Arizona:
- The Facts Behind America’s Voice Ads in San Diego:
- September 2012 Polling in Arizona from Latino Decisions and America’s Voice:
- June 2012 Polling in Arizona from Latino Decisions and America’s Voice:
- America’s Voice “Spotlight on Arizona” fact sheet:
- America’s Voice Profile of 14 Key House races to watch, including a profile of immigration and Latino voters in the CA-52 Bilbray/Peters race:
- America’s Voice Profile of Six Senate races to watch, including a profile of immigration and Latino voters in Arizona’s Senate race:
America’s Voice — Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform.