The saga in Prince William County continues. The county's controversial crackdown on immigrants, enacted with great fanfare in 2007, is continuing to unravel. Continue »
Today, while working families in Prince William County, Virginia filed tax returns in a state with a $19 million dollar deficit and continued to face a growing national recession, County Chairman Cory Stewart persisted in his efforts to bleed taxpayers dry by championing a controversial and ineffective crackdown on... Continue »
This week, U.S. Representative Heath Shuler (D-NC) continued to fumble the facts on immigration the way he used to fumble the ball. In the latest of a series of political miscalculations on the immigration issue, Shuler is playing fast and loose with the facts. Continue »
In a stunning attempt to turn back the hands of time to when they were almost relevant, yesterday the Center for Immigration Studies sent out a press release dated 2007 (see attached press release) in a desperate attempt to explain away the failure of the anti-immigrant movement to score a single political victory... Continue »