With August recess in full swing, immigration reform advocates all over the nation are gathering together at local events, rallies, town halls, and demonstrations, to make it clear to their members of Congress that they want immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. We’ve rounded up news stories covering these events. Below is a compilation of tweets and pictures of immigration events from around the country–just from this week.
Today, activists from Rights 4 All People and other groups are rallying in Pueblo, Colorado to ask Rep. Scott Tipton for his support on immigration:
In #Pueblo urging @RepTipton to support #citizenship 4 #11million #timeisnow national Throwdown in Colorado pic.twitter.com/il8KDQe6ie
— Rights 4 All People (@RAPDenver) August 8, 2013
Inside @RepTipton office in #Pueblo demanding support 4 CIR #citizenship #11million national Throwdown pic.twitter.com/wE88wzrKQG — Rights 4 All People (@RAPDenver) August 8, 2013
National Throwdown in support of #immigration reform in #Pueblo w. organizers from Arkansas #11million #timeisnow pic.twitter.com/a3Ofi0BMUr — Rights 4 All People (@RAPDenver) August 8, 2013
Action outside @RepTipton office in #Pueblo #keepfamiliestogether #11million #timeisnow pic.twitter.com/JgM4SM52Hu — Rights 4 All People (@RAPDenver) August 8, 2013
We need to pass #immigration reform majority of Coloradans agree @RepTipton #TimeisNow national Throwdown CO pic.twitter.com/8taxtkfhq4
— Rights 4 All People (@RAPDenver) August 8, 2013
Yesterday in Corpus Christi, Texas, activists delivered 10,000 petitions for citizenship to Rep. Blake Farenthold:
Delivering your signatures to @farenthold! RT @joaquinhguerra: #timeisnow for a vote on #citizenship blake farenthold pic.twitter.com/pdAShukd5q
— RI4A (@RI4A) August 7, 2013
MT @joaquinhguerra: Over 45 supporters gathered in @Farenthold office 2 to deliver 10k petitions on immigration! pic.twitter.com/uWkFBQMBvx — americasvoice (@americasvoice) August 7, 2013
#timeisnow 4 #citizenship petition delivery to @Farenthold was a success. Check out #corpuschristi #dreamer Miguel http://t.co/EhmWFtUMYN — Joaquin (@joaquinhguerra) August 7, 2013
Corpus DREAMer speaks despite attempts to shout him down. #timeisnow pic.twitter.com/gts8lenBZT — Shannon Perez (@justusmadre) August 7, 2013
Later that afternoon in Asheboro, North Carolina, Rep. Renee Elmers made an appearance at an immigration reform rally which drew almost 500 people:
Getting ready to march in support of immigration reform. Rep Ellmers, please support #CIR pic.twitter.com/esxnrOe04A — Keylin Rivera (@Keylin_Rivera) August 7, 2013
Today’s march for comprehensive #immigrationreform. It is estimated that over 450 people attended. Rep. Ellmers made an appearance as well. #StandWithOurFuture
In Utah, several immigration organizations and the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake urged their representatives Jim Matheson and Rob Bishop to take action on immigration reform.
In Los Angeles on Tuesday, activists launched a “Countdown to Citizenship,” where more than 100 community organizations from the faith, labor, LGBT, student, civic engagement, business, and immigrant rights sectors joined together to ask for a vote on immigration reform:
@UFWupdates VP Giev Kashkooli “We have done OUR work, it’s time for Congress to do their job.” #timeisnow #CIR pic.twitter.com/hnVnD5O290 — UFW Foundation (@UFWF) August 6, 2013
LA leaders announce next steps in the fight for immigration reform. #TimeIsNow #VoteOnCitizenship. pic.twitter.com/v3XX5Trxtr — SEIU USWW (@SeiuUSWW) August 6, 2013
At city hall with #immigrant, faith, labor leaders annoucing countdown 2 #citizenship campaign pic.twitter.com/VzCALGNfve — CHIRLA (@CHIRLA) August 6, 2013
Proud 2 join @CHIRLA 2 kick off “Countdown to Citizenship”! We need #CIR & we need a path 2 #Citizenship. #TimeIsNow pic.twitter.com/0LDSgeLTR3 — Judy Chu (@RepJudyChu) August 6, 2013
Also on Tuesday, immigrants and their family members came to a town hall in Leesburg, Florida to thank Rep. Daniel Webster for his recent support of immigration reform and citizenship:
At @RepWebster‘s Town hall in #leesburg. The community talks about the importance of #immigrationreform pic.twitter.com/BaCtUqWW5G
— FLImmigrantCoalition (@FLImmigrant) August 6, 2013
Dreamer’s Moms y Dreamers de #Orlando con @RepWebster hoy en #leesburg. #reformamigratoria #diquesi pic.twitter.com/SNTP4VJQvd
— FLImmigrantCoalition (@FLImmigrant) August 6, 2013
On Monday, activists in Long Island welcomed Rep. Pete King home and thanked him for his support of immigration reform and citizenship:
@32BJ_SEIU #timeisnow #immigration pic.twitter.com/VLejoJrBSs — Mia (@woodbern) August 5, 2013
More than 80 advocates thank @RepPeteKing at Massapequa Park rally for favoring #immigration reform. pic.twitter.com/jDkmL0cBBG — Víctor Manuel Ramos (@vmramos) August 5, 2013
The same day, Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL), became the 21st House Republican to come out in favor of a path to citizenship at a town hall meeting:
Schock has just agreed 2 support a path to citizenship for Dreamers & their parents! #timeisnow #11million @NPAction pic.twitter.com/0RFTXOYmCr
— IL People’s Action (@ILPeoplesAction) August 5, 2013
Meanwhile, activists in Knoxville, Tennessee, are wondering where their Congressman, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. stands:
And last Saturday, immigrant rights and labor supporters in Minnesota’s 2nd district asked Rep. John Kline for his support:
Good conversations today about #immigration reform at @repjohnkline district #timeisnow@RI4A@americasvoicepic.twitter.com/a9jY6h5IPs — SEIU Local 26 (@SEIU26) August 3, 2013
View even more immigration events from this week:
- Las Vegas, Nevada for Rep. Joe Heck
- Simi Valley, California for Rep. Buck McKeon
- Hyde Park, New York for Rep. Chris Gibson
- Ballwin, Missouri for Rep. Ann Wagner
- Chester County, Pennsylvania for Rep. Joe Pitts
- Langhorne, Pennsylvania for Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick
- Harrisburg, Pennsyvlania for Rep. Scott Perry