House GOP Made Child Refugee Debate an Immigration Debate – So Senate Should Insist on CIR as Part of Any Conference on House Plan With House Republicans today introducing a new deportation-focused proposal for dealing with Central American refugee kids and continuing to mistakenly blame DACA for the rise... Continue »
New PRRI Poll: Americans View Central American Kids Fleeing Violence as Refugees Deserving Full & Fair Proceedings; Sonia Nazario Provides Reminder on “The Daily Show” Why We Must “Do the Right Thing” Take five minutes to read this poll and watch this TV clip, and you’ll get a sense... Continue »
Cory Gardner Doubles Down on Anti-Immigrant Stance By Criticizing Senate Immigration Bill Supported by 70% of Coloradans  With immigration reform legislation laid to rest at the feet of House Republicans, national Latino and Asian groups released a score card Monday to grade members of the House of Representatives on... Continue »
After Blocking Immigration Reform, GOP on Verge of Blocking Resources for Border Emergency As Congress enters its last week of the July work period, the contrast between both parties could not be clearer.  On all things immigration-related, Republicans seem hell-bent on blocking the President and Democrats at every turn. ... Continue »
Rep. Luis Gutierrez and Immigration Experts and Advocates Discuss State of Play in Congress, Administration On today’s weekly Office Hours press briefing, Congressman Luis Gutierrez and immigration reform advocates discussed the state of play on policy reforms in Congress and the Administration. While the Obama Administration continues to take... Continue »
The current humanitarian crisis at the border has exposed House Republicans, yet again, for the obstructionists that they are. After bearing the responsibility for squandering the best chance for comprehensive immigration reform in decades, they are once again building up to do nothing. Yesterday, Steve Benen called out Speaker... Continue »
Republicans are busy exploiting the unaccompanied child refugee crisis to advance measures that crack down on immigrants and refugees.  From blaming Dreamers and DACA to gutting the Child Tax Credit (CTC), Republicans seem determined to follow Rahm Emanuel’s infamous counsel: “you never let a serious crisis go to waste.”... Continue »
The following is a statement by Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, with respect to the current Congressional debate regarding Central American children who are seeking safety at our border. As the House Working Group’s recommendations released today make clear, Republicans are hell bent on tying any supplemental... Continue »
Immigration Groups Mark One Year Since Colorado Congressman Said “The Time for Comprehensive Immigration Reform is Now,” Then Ran Away One year ago today, the Denver Post ran an op-ed from Rep. Mike Coffman (R, CD-4) where the previously anti-immigrant congressman began to change his tune and called for... Continue »
The Same Game Plan Used by the Republicans on Every Immigration Debate  When it comes to addressing the ongoing child refugee crisis at the border, Republicans and their allies have solidified a strategy of trying to score political points, driving memes that are fact-free, and then ending with a... Continue »