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Juan Escalante: “It will be up to everyday Americans to uphold this sacred value so that it may outlast the damages caused by the Trump Administration”

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USCIS Removes “Nation of Immigrants” from its Mission Statement

In a move that is seemingly rooted in desperation to rewrite the history of our nation, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on Thursday announced their decision to remove the “nation of immigrants” language in their mission statement. The change in USCIS’ mission arrives a day before the Donald Trump read the poem “The Snake,” a text designed to vilify and disparage immigrants and their families, to a crowd of conservatives in Washington D.C.

According to Juan Escalante, DACA-recipient and Communications Manager for America’s Voice,

USCIS, a federal agency tasked with overseeing the naturalization process of aspiring Americans, is following the Trump Administration’s blueprint to rewrite our nation’s history and diminish the contributions that immigrant families have made to our country throughout generations.

 This not-so-subtle attack on immigrant communities is the Administration’s petty retaliation attempt after being brutally embarrassed in the U.S. Senate, where it’s anti-immigrant four pillar legislation failed last week, and further push its xenophobic agenda without Congressional approval.

 The United States’ has been recognized as a “nation of immigrants” all across the world for as long as I can remember. It will be up to everyday Americans to uphold this sacred value so that it may outlast the damages caused by the Trump Administration.

According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice,

A few bureaucrats following the orders of rabid ideologues are rewriting American history before our very eyes. The very foundation of America is a nation of immigrants — E Pluribus Unum — is being whitewashed by Stephen Miller and Francis Cissna.

 At this point, what is stopping Donald Trump and Stephen Miller from asking the U.S. Park Service to chip off the famous welcoming poem by Emily Lazarus from the face of the Statue of Liberty?