Is Steve King running for President? A few outlets seem to think it’s a possibility, based on news this week that King (already from Iowa) is soon visiting South Carolina. He’ll be meeting with some right-wingers there, as well as some local politicians. As Peter Hamby at CNN reported:
Iowa Rep. Steve King, whose hard line immigration rhetoric has angered some of his fellow Republicans and delighted Democrats eager to keep Hispanic voters in their fold, is quietly planning meetings with political activists in the early presidential primary state of South Carolina, CNN has learned. King will travel to the state in late August to attend the Charleston Meeting, a closed-door gathering of right-leaning politicians and business leaders organized by author and activist Mallory Factor, two Republican sources said. The Charleston Meeting and its sibling, the New York Meeting, are semi-regular events hosted by Factor that bring together influential conservative figures from around the country – not necessarily the local activists who will be key players in the state’s primary, the first southern contest in the 2016 presidential nomination fight.
But King has also set up an invitation-only coffee in Charleston with a small group of area GOP leaders, according to Lin Bennett, a vice chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. Bennett, the former leader of the Charleston County GOP, has brokered similar meetings in the past for ambitious politicians hoping to make inroads into the state’s conservative movement.
We at America’s Voice, for one, would love to see what a Steve King presidential campaign would entail. Debates where he compares people to animals? A promise to nominate Tom Tancredo to run DHS? Opposition research from Reince Preibus himself and a defection of every non-right-winger from the Republican Party? American Bridge has already taken the liberty of creating a campaign website for King: And we’ve gone ahead and designed these campaign buttons for him, which he should feel free to use: