Opponents of immigration reform are getting ever wackier.
On Monday, we wrote about a protest in Kansas that took place over the weekend at Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s house. The peaceful protest (you can see video here) left pairs of shoes at Kobach’s doorstep, to signify all the individuals and families that he and the laws he authored had helped to deport.
When Glenn Beck picked up the story on his radio show this week though, he saw something different. Completely warping all sense of history and turning the concept of civil rights on its head, Beck claimed that the protesters were practicing “domestic terrorism” just like the Ku Klux Klan.
“What’s the difference between that and the Klan coming to Martin Luther King’s house?” Beck asked.
Kobach appeared on Beck’s show yesterday, and agreed: “They’re just not wearing white cloaks, but this is exactly KKK type of intimidation.”
That’s right: Beck and Kobach think that the immigrants participating in a nonviolent civil action against the deportation of their family members are comparable to the Klan, while the man partly responsible for those deportations is like Martin Luther King. In their alternate, bizarro world, the moral arc of the universe does not bend toward justice, it bends toward gun rights and self-deportation.
Beck, by the way, also compared the Kansas protesters to Greece’s Golden Dawn party—the neo-Nazi group notorious for their vicious attacks and hate crimes against immigrants. And Monday’s radio show was at least the second time in the last week that Beck has compared opponents of immigration reform to Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement.
View video of Beck’s show: