Over the weekend, Steve Holland from Reuters wrote an article about “Mitt Romney’s campaign missteps” and how those missteps have caused concern for Republicans. One of the issues highlighted by Holland was immigration:
Romney’s missteps on issues such as immigration and healthcare – and images of him on a jet ski during a vacation at his New Hampshire estate this week – have exasperated some supporters who are calling for a shake-up of his staff and worrying he could bungle Republicans’ chances of ousting Democratic President Barack Obama in the November 6 election.
The article delved into Romney’s current problems with immigration:
Last month, Romney struggled to articulate a detailed response to Obama’s executive order that stopped deportations of thousands of children of illegal immigrants.
The Republican – who trails Obama badly among Latino voters – still has not come up with an immigration plan that might cut into Obama’s lead among Hispanics without angering Romney’s conservative base.
But here’s the thing: Romney does have an immigration plan. It was designed to placate his conservative base. Here’s a review of the Romney plan, as articulated by Mitt himself during the GOP primaries:
- Romney would veto the DREAM Act;
- Romney thinks Arizona’s SB 1070 is a “model for the nation;” and
- Romney thinks “the answer is self-deportation.”
It’s not that Romney can’t articulate his immigration agenda. It’s that he’s trying to duck the issue now. But unfortunately for him, he can’t. His outline for immigration is one that he’s stuck with it.