A range of stories today focus on Republican problems with Latino voters. It appears that across the Party GOP leaders are finally recognizing that courting Latino voters in the fall is threatened by an anti-immigrant, anti-Latino brand that has been cemented by the Republican primary. Continue »
A range of stories today focus on Republican problems with Latino voters. It appears that across the Party GOP leaders are finally recognizing that courting Latino voters in the fall is threatened by an anti-immigrant, anti-Latino brand that has been cemented by the Republican primary. Continue »
We got an update on this year's Walk Against Fear. The marchers, who are following the 1966 path of civil rights pioneer James Meredith, will hold a Rally Against Racism on April 7th in Jackson, Mississippi. Continue »
We got an update on this year's Walk Against Fear. The marchers, who are following the 1966 path of civil rights pioneer James Meredith, will hold a Rally Against Racism on April 7th in Jackson, Mississippi. Continue »
As a Republican primary race increasingly defined by demographics and math drags into April, a daunting demographic mountain looms on the horizon for Mitt Romney if he becomes the GOP presidential nominee: winning over Latino voters who could prove to be pivotal in November. Continue »
Democrats have a plan if Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida becomes the first Hispanic on a national ticket: wage a policy battle over immigration. The strategy has been emerging since the Cuban-American rising star was elected to the Senate in 2010, and it became more apparent after Rubio endorsed... Continue »
Representatives from Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist groups appeared Thursday at the state Capitol to reiterate their concerns about House Bill 488. Bishop Ronnie Crudup of New Horizon Church in Jackson said the bill would lead to racial profiling. Continue »
The Senate GOP seems to be banking on the assumption that Latino voters are stupid, don't read the fine print -- or are not paying any attention at all. Panicking from a series of polls that show their years of bashing Latinos haven't been endearing them to Latino voters,... Continue »
"The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)," according to People for the American Way, "is a front group for powerful corporate interests that is behind and actually writes some of the most extreme right-wing bills in state legislatures across the country." Continue »
"The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)," according to People for the American Way, "is a front group for powerful corporate interests that is behind and actually writes some of the most extreme right-wing bills in state legislatures across the country." Continue »