We got an update on this year’s Walk Against Fear. The marchers, who are following the 1966 path of civil rights pioneer James Meredith, will hold a Rally Against Racism on April 7th in Jackson, Mississippi. That state’s legislature is currently debating Arizona/Alabama-like anti-immigrant legislation.
First, some background:
a grueling month of walking in the burning sun, up and down hills, while bodies were dehydrating, and after a week of lobbying against the racist HB488 and attempting to meet with Governor Bryant, the Walk Against Fear youth will make it to Jackson, MS on April 7, 2012. Recreating James Meredith’s original walk from 1966, these youth walked on a mission to bring to the surface the racism that lies behind United States legislative practices and to change the hearts and minds of the communities. The mission was accomplished. On April 7, 2012, the Walk Against Fear 2012 will celebrate its accomplishments and share its stories of the blatant racism it experienced. The Walk Against Fear youth will demand that Governor Bryant not cower behind his desk, but instead meet with them to discuss why he favors racist legislation instead of progressive approaches to immigration in Mississippi. The Walkers do not wish to escalate tensions or actions but will do so if the Governor refuses to meet their demands.
James Meredith will once again stand up and support the Walkers that recreated his piece of history and the new message behind their action.
Now, the details:
When: April 7, 2012 10:00am-12:30pm
Where: Jackson, MS State Capitol Building (400 High St. Jackson, MS 39201)
Why: The youth began this walk because through friendship and their different stories they realized their most powerful adversary and common enemy is racism. With an intense need to create a change they put their lives on the line for their community and fellow oppressed communities. In a country that for the past years has used the Latino population as a scapegoat for its problems, these youth were fed up. In Mississippi especially where the Latino population is below four percent of the total population, the racism is blatant as anti-immigrant bills are passed unnecessarily. This mistreatment is a replica of the Jim Crow era in a more bureaucratic and more cowardly way. As human beings that give to this country, the Latino community deserves to be treated as such, as human beings.
Who: Undocumented Youth leaders, Citizens, residents, from TN, AL, MS, TN, IL, TX, RI, and other places across the nation, James Meredith, Civil Rights Leaders, etc.