Last night, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) became a household name for his embarrassing outburst during the President's speech on health care reform. By shouting "You lie!" when President Obama was explaining, yet again, that health care legislation would not provide free care to undocumented immigrants, Wilson also made... Continue »
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) says he's done apologizing for his outburst during President Barack Obama's prime-time speech Wednesday, but two House Democratic leaders are calling for a formal reprimand if Wilson continues to refuse to make a public statement of contrition on the House floor. Continue »
At her department's sprawling campus, Napolitano cautiously shared her thinking on a number of hot-button issues. Continue »
In a study released this summer by University of California-San Francisco researchers, Immigration judges, it turns out, are as stressed out and burned out as emergency room doctors and prison wardens. And the study found female Immigration judges far more stressed than their male counterparts. Continue »
The report, to be released Thursday by the Washington-based Migration Policy Institute, notes gaps in the information ICE uses to track the more than 33,000 people in its nationwide system of jails and detention centers that hold immigrants awaiting court hearings or deportation. Continue »
We're coming to the close of the year in which President Obama said that immigration reform would be a priority. But to date, the Obama administration has only extended harsh immigration enforcement provisions put in place by the Clinton or second Bush administrations. These punitive pieces of legislation include... Continue »
Taking a cue from the "tea parties" and rowdy "townhalls" this summer, perhaps, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) shouted, "You lie!" at President Obama during his speech last night. According to the Associated Press: "OBAMA: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally." One congressman,... Continue »
09/09/09 a 9:46am   Su sucesor, George LeMieux, se aferra a las fallidas políticas migratorias de su Partido Republicano Washington, DC –  El saliente senador republicano de Florida, Mel Martínez, se despidió de la Cámara Alta y lamentó que todavía no se haya concretado la reforma migratoria integral por... Continue »
Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL), a longtime Republican leader on immigration issues, used his farewell address on the Senate floor today to lament Washington's failure to fix the immigration system, an issue he championed during his time in Congress. Unfortunately, the newly-inducted replacement for Senator Martinez, George LeMieux, outlined... Continue »
Retiring Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) used his farewell address on the Senate floor today to lament the failure of Washington to fix our badly broken immigration system, an issue he championed during his time in Congress. Too bad Mel's replacement, George LeMieux, is already unveiling an immigration stance... Continue »