15/04/09 a 4:18pm Washington, DC —  Día tras día los grupos antiinmigrantes quieren convencer a la población de que la inmigración sólo drena nuestra economía, y que la deportación masiva sería la gran solución. Sin embargo, la evidencia sobre los beneficios económicos de un plan de legalización se sigue... Continuar »
Well, yesterday was a new day. Yesterday's news that organized labor has joined forces to push for comprehensive reform highlights the important link between comprehensive immigration reform, the economy, and worker protection. As the New York Times argued so succinctly yesterday: Even in a bad economy - especially in... Continuar »
"Congress must address the broken immigration system to get more workers and more employers onto the tax rolls and restore fairness to our labor market. We need a program that requires undocumented workers to come out of the shadows, undergo a background check, pay their back taxes, and... Continuar »
Our immigration system is broken, and if you think that because you are a citizen this doesn't affect you, then you should read today's Associated Press piece. In it, Suzanne Gamboa describes how the rights of citizens and non-citizens alike are being violated: "The American judicial system... Continuar »
14/04/09 a 1:13pm por Maribel Hastings Esta semana de pago de impuestos -mañana 15 de abril-, es muy propicio recordar que Estados Unidos, aquejado por una recesión económica, recibiría miles de millones de dólares adicionales en pagos tributarios si se regularizara la situación migratoria de millones de indocumentados. “Por... Continuar »