We at America's Voice have to confess, we're a little giddy when we look around. Why? The signs of the times point decisively to comprehensive immigration reform getting ready to move, and soon. Just what are they? In addition to the growing power of the Latino vote and swing... Continue »
On Wednesday we reported that Conan O'Brien would host America's Biggest Rights-Violator, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Well, about a hundred people called in to complain about the Sheriff's record, filling up NBC's late night voicemail box before the audience had time to find their seats. Indeed, self-proclaimed "America's Toughest Sheriff"... Continue »
Rep. Hilda Solis is a strong and effective advocate for comprehensive immigration reform, who understands that the broken immigration system must be addressed for the good of American workers, American taxpayers, and immigrants who labor in the shadows. We welcome her nomination as Secretary of Labor and hope... Continue »