It's an issue that has farmers fired up, and many wondering what will happen to Alabama's produce industry. "If we can't get the food out of the ground and to the store then it goes to waste," says one farmer. "I guess they'll have to arrest me here in... Continue »
A hotly contested bill moving this week would compel employers to verify worker eligibility via the Internet while it ratchets up the nation's perennial immigration debate. Farmers fear it. Skeptics sweat potential errors. But in the Republican-controlled House Judiciary Committee, mandatory E-Verify is now an idea whose time has... Continue »
Farmers in one of Alabama's leading agricultural areas asked legislators Monday to make emergency changes to the state's tough new law against illegal immigration, saying millions of dollars of crops are at risk in coming weeks because of a sudden lack of hands for harvest. Continue »
Despite all the problems with E-Verify, Rep. Lamar Smith is charging forward with his mandatory bill -- and adding a cheap guest worker plan to the mix in a blatant attempt to buy off the industry. Instead of putting American workers first, Smith's plan promotes a race to the... Continue »
A leading Republican lawmaker has proposed creating a program to bring 500,000 foreign migrant farm workers to the United States each year, responding to an outcry this summer from American farmers who said shortages of legally authorized labor were imperiling their crops. Continue »
A new report released today probes into the federal H-2A agricultural guest worker program designed to provide farmers and harvesters with a legal workforce, and discovers that the program has grown rife with abuse and is sorely lacking in legal protections for these guest workers. Continue »
Recent Republican solidarity on illegal immigration is showing cracks under pressure from agriculture groups, with two GOP congressmen floating programs that would make it easier for foreigners to work legally in U.S. fields and orchards. Continue »
In rural Alabama lies Cullman County, recognized as the "state's top agricultural community." David Palmer of The Cullman Times interviewed two farmers who express concern over Alabama's new anti-immigration law, which is scheduled to take effect in three days on September 1st. Both farmers come to the same... Continue »
"Don't confuse me with the facts" should be carved on the walls of office buildings where congressmen and senators work. Politicians are fond of symbols, because they communicate with voters instantly. Gray areas and nuances that more correctly describe America don't pack the same wallop. Continue »
Ever since portions of Georgia's controversial anti-immigration law took effect, the volume of the protests seems to have subsided. But that may be about to change. Georgia's new law has caught the attention of activists from across the country. Continue »