The Spanish-language press leads today with the Arizona House of Representatives' passage of a bill that would criminalize undocumented immigrants, but the effects of last Sunday's March for America and other local events for immigration reform--including a protest outside Republican National Committee headquarters--continue to receive a significant amount of... Continue »
The President and Congress promised real immigration reform right away and it has yet to be delivered. For the hundreds of thousands of families who are still being torn apart each year, this is unacceptable. It was an honor to share the day Sunday with the 200,000... Continue »
Tonight at 8 PM ET, How Democracy Works will be premiering the first part of it's twelve part program on HBO2. The series, which documents the course immigration reform has taken over the past 8 or so years is described vividly by the filmmakers: "...that's what we believe this... Continue »
Today, the Spanish-language press reports on statements from high-level Obama Administration officials reiterating the President's commitment to reform immigration policy, a new survey showing deep support for reform among religious voters and a bill in Arizona that would criminalize the undocumented. Continue »
Over the weekend, the Spanish-language media dedicated extensive coverage to the March for America on Sunday in Washington. Reporters focused on the delegations from around the country that came to Washington to participate in the massive march, President Barack Obama's taped address to the attendees reiterating his commitment to... Continue »
Coverage in the blogosphere is still picking up after Sunday's historic health care vote, but here's an initial roundup of blogging on Sunday's massive rally and march or real immigration reform. Stop back for more stories and photos from the march throughout the week. Continue »
As the President himself stated: "Events like these remind us that real change doesn't start in the White House or the halls of Congress. It starts with people like you in communities across this country, standing up and making your voices heard." I think we could say yesterday was... Continue »
As the buses leave Washington to return to Florida, New York, and as far away as California, here are some of our photos from the day. These are mostly crowd shots -- over 200,000 people came out to call for real immigration reform, economic justice for workers, and to... Continue »
Today's the day. Tens of thousands of people are registered to come to the National Mall for today's immigration reform rally, called the March For America. Over 800 buses are pouring in from acrossthe country, and several of the top voices in the blogosphere will be blogging and tweeting... Continue »
With tens of thousands of people heading to Washington for the March for America this Sunday and the news of a bipartisan framework for comprehensive immigration reform legislation from Senators Schumer and Graham, there's a lot of news to track today – here's a quick recap for the folks... Continue »