Over the past weeks, in a ploy to appeal to moderate voters, both Senator Richard Burr and Governor Pat McCrory repeatedly said they would not attend the Republican National Convention. In a striking reversal, both officials traveled to Cleveland this week to support the coronation of Donald Trump. Though Burr and... Continue »
Hundreds of advocates from around the nation — including members of Mijente, United We Dream, Iraq Veterans Against The War, Code Pink, and others — formed a “wall” around outside the Republican National Convention in protest of the bigoted policies and rhetoric of Donald Trump. “If Trump is set on building... Continue »
Yesterday, the Republican National Convention featured on its “tweet-ticker” a tweet from an anti-immigrant hate website popular with “prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.” “Weekly Standard web producer Alice Lloyd tweeted a photo of a tweet ticker inside the RNC convention hall in Cleveland, Ohio, showing a tweet... Continue »
GOP Declines From Party of Lincoln to Party of Trump – Roots and Effects to Outlast Trump’s Candidacy Yesterday, on the same day that Donald Trump officially won the Republican Party’s nomination for President, GOP leaders from both congressional chambers offered their support to the nominee with primetime speeches at the... Continue »
We were being totally serious when we decided to dub the Republican National Convention the “Republican Nativist Convention” — and Steve King just confirmed it really is that. During an MSNBC panel on live television yesterday, the calves connoisseur basically questioned the contributions of non-white people to civilization, saying that white people... Continue »
Donald Trump will be coronated as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee later this week. As the Republican National Convention continues in Cleveland, Ohio, Donald Trump, a man who has used the national spotlight to attack Latinos, immigrants, and people of color, will be rewarded with a chance to run... Continue »
Pieces from Dara Lind and Brian Beutler Unveil the Ugly Truth of Today’s GOP Day one of the Republican Convention may have been overtaken by Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech, but most of Monday’s program featured raw expressions of anger, racism and xenophobia. The theme seemed to be “they” (read: black, brown and... Continue »
Latinx and immigrant rights organizers are just a few hundred dollars away from raising $15,000 to erect a 15,000 foot “banner wall” around the Quicken Loans Arena during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week. From ThinkProgress: Tania Unzueta, an undocumented community organizer with the immigrant rights advocacy... Continue »
Republican National Convention organizers are finally admitting what we’ve suspected all along: Donald Trump’s candidacy has cost the event financially big-time. Back in January, RNC spokesman Sean Spicer — who in true Trumpian fashion has taken to trolling a Latino journalist on Twitter — reassured reporters that a potential Trump... Continue »
With the GOP convention just days away, Ohio authorities “have been collecting intelligence on extremist groups to identify any possible threats,” reports the New York Times. Among the extremist groups expected to rally around Donald Trump in Cleveland are white nationalist groups American Freedom Party, Blood and Honour and... Continue »