Compared with the 9 percent of eligible voters who are Latino, Karen Narasaki estimated the Asian vote represents about 5 percent of eligible voters. "That '5 percent nationally' gets lost because we're heavily concentrated on the West Coast, New York, and in California, which has the largest Asian population." Continue »
Republicans will have the next two years to set the immigration agenda in the House of Representatives. If their legislation looks anything like their campaign ads, there will be no way for illegal immigrants to get right with the law and no real solution to the problem of illegal... Continue »
"Having worked the border since '93 when I was the U.S. attorney in Arizona, there is more federal law enforcement than ever before, more technology than ever before, more infrastructure than ever before, more efforts with state and local law enforcement than ever before and a much more robust... Continue »
Why the U.S. needs a new visa for foreigners who want to start businesses here. Reid might be wise to push the Startup Visa Act, legislation that creates renewable, two-year EB-5 visas for entrepreneurs with at least $100,000 in venture capital or super angel backing (as part of at... Continue »
The irony of anti-immigration sentiment, which fears a loss of jobs for Americans if more immigrant workers enter the United States, is that it is fiscally more prudent to legalize, insure, employ, reunite and educate our immigrants than to keep families apart. Continue »
Among the silver linings for Democrats -- and society, really -- in the massive victories won by Republicans yesterday is that there is a very clear price to pay for exploiting anti-immigrant sentiment for political purposes. Continue »
As the Western returns come in tonight, look out for the possibility of a Latino surprise. Matt Barreto, who does the LatinoDecisions tracking poll, told me that Latino turnout is running higher than expected and going even more to the Democrats than it did in 2008, when it was... Continue »
One of the reasons we have not made progress in reforming our immigration system is that one side of the debate thinks of itself as the law and order side and frames those of us who have proposed comprehensive immigration reform as opposed to the rule of law. That... Continue »
Appeals heard on the campaign trail this year are inflammatory and move the immigration issue in the wrong direction. They are based on erroneous assumptions and misguided arguments. These claims play to popular fears and emotions rather than reasoned debate over the controversy. Continue »
Fundamental change usually proceeds from the bottom up...As a Times/USC poll reported Sunday, nearly half of California's likely voters have a favorable view of immigrants, including those without papers. Continue »