Some of us already knew this, but the fact that good immigration policy also boosts the middle class is a myth-buster that bears repeating, as well as a new report by the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy (DMI). Immigration Impact argues: The myth that immigration is bad for U.S.... Continue »
First, pardon the shameless self-promotion, but America's Voice has produced a TV ad regarding CNN's Lou Dobbs problem, in conjunction with the Media Matters campaigns to Drop Dobbs. Watch the ad and donate to get it on the air. Next up: health care. Cynthia Tucker, a brilliant editorialist with the... Continue »
NYT editorial urging DHS to keeps its promise on detention reform despite departure of top official; asks for public release of her report (don't hold your breath). Intersection of health and immigration continues to upset Latino leaders: Reuters blog off of AV press conference last week and NPR interview with... Continue »
Today in Immigration Must Reads…Healthcare, Arpaio, and the "Rejiggering" of American Politics....Read 'em. Continue »