Este mes se cumplen cinco años desde que un pistolero supremacista blanco que creyó la mentira de una supuesta “invasión hispana de Texas” manejó por 10 horas hasta la pacífica ciudad fronteriza de El Paso, Texas para asesinar a 23 personas inocentes que simplemente hacían su vida cotidiana. También... Continue »
This month marks five years since a white supremacist gunman who believed the lie of a supposed “Hispanic invasion of Texas” drove for 10 hours to the peaceful border town of El Paso to murder 23 innocent people who were simply going about their daily lives. It also marks... Continue »
The second night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Tuesday was rife with speakers spewing ugly anti-immigrant rhetoric, including the deadly white nationalist and antisemitic great replacement theory. From the House Speaker to other GOP House leaders to senators and candidates, speeches used language that inspired multiple deadly... Continue »
Donald Trump arrancó su campaña presidencial de 2016 descendiendo por las escaleras eléctricas de la Torre Trump y llamando criminales y “violadores” a los mexicanos. Pero como ha hecho a lo largo de la última década, Trump ha descendido todavía más en su intento de deshumanizar a las comunidades.... Continue »
Even an anti-immigrant hate group seems wary about being publicly associated with dangerous “invasion” and great replacement conspiracy theories cited as an inspiration in multiple deadly terrorist attacks, as The Hill’s Rafael Bernal has highlighted. So what’s Rep. Mike Lawler’s excuse for remaining silent when his colleagues in the... Continue »
Donald Trump kicked off his 2016 presidential campaign by descending the escalators of Trump Tower and calling Mexicans criminals and “rapists.” But as he has done throughout the past decade, Trump has found new lows to dehumanize communities. During a campaign stop in Ohio in mid-March in support of... Continue »
Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17) provided a critical vote to help deliver the passage of H.R. 2, also known as the Child Deportation Act, in early May 2023. The bill is not a serious policy proposal for addressing the challenges at the border. It’s all politics that is far too... Continue »
Washington, DC –  Despite being a top priority, Speaker McCarthy is struggling to bring the GOP House anti-immigrant legislation to the floor. The problem for McCarthy is that their bill, H.R. 2, is not a serious policy proposal but all politics. McCarthy runs the risk of looking completely feckless... Continue »
The House GOP is teeing up a vote on H.R. 2, a hate group-backed bill filled to the brim with anti-asylum and anti-immigrant proposals — and New York Republican Mike Lawler stands to be a deciding vote in whether or not this odious and unworkable legislation advances. In response... Continue »
Passage of H.R. 2 Hurts their Economy, Hurts their Community, Threatens their Constituents House Republicans are teeing up a vote on H.R. 2, an anti-immigrant and anti-asylum bill filled to the brim with Trump-era proposals, including a useless and expensive border wall. In a clear sign of how extreme... Continue »