Last week, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced big changes to the government program that turns local cops into immigration agents (the "287g" program). The changes are a start, but they haven't stopped Sheriff Joe Arpaio's dangerous and racist antics in Maricopa County, Arizona. Last Spring 40,000... Continue »
We've been tracking the injustices of Sheriff Joe Arpaio for some time now. Here's the latest, from blogger Erin Rosa of "Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff who has made a career out of targeting undocumented immigrants and using dehumanizing tactics on jail inmates, has now achieved another accomplishment.... Continue »
Think Progress' Wonk Room blogger Andrea Nill found this clip of Mark Krikorian (of Keith Olbermann Worst Person in the World fame) trying to pin the problems with our healthcare system, including our "uninsured crisis" on immigrants. Big surprise there. Mark Krikorian is the Executive Director of the Center... Continue »
More disturbing profiles in extremism this week. After a mother of six died in Monday's tragic Metro crash, a group of what appear to be anti-immigrant activists are calling up Ana Fernandez' family and asking for the family's papers. Their justification? Apparently "Fernandez" sounds "illegal." This kind of extremism,... Continue »
Irony of ironies- it turns out, according to Think Progress' Lee Fang in "Under Misspelled Banner, Buchanan And White Nationalist Brimelow Argue For English-Only Initiatives," that American Cause luminaries actually convened under a misspelled banner to promote their hardline, English-only agenda. For more, check out our background briefing on... Continue »
For those of us who cover immigration issues and deal with the extremists all the time, none of this is new. Nor is the fact that so-called "legitimate" spokespersons deliver hate-filled messages that show up in angry faxes to Congress, the Ku Klux Klan and even Minuteman leader Shawna... Continue »
On May 30, 29-year-old Raul Flores and his 9-year-old daughter Brisenia Flores were shot to death, purportedly by a group of far-right anti-immigrant activists who broke into the Flores home by posing as police officers. On Friday, Shawna Forde, anti-immigrant activist and Executive Director of the Minutemen American Defense,... Continue »
Almost a full week since local Arizona media and progressive and pro-migrant bloggers began covering the horrific story of Brisenia Flores and her minuteman killers, the story is finally catching the eye of the mainstream media. Turns out the point-blank murder of a little nine-year-old-girl by anti-immigration extremists is... Continue »
Shawna Forde, the alleged ringleader and one of three suspects arrested in a deadly home invasion in Arizona on Friday, heads up a border vigilante group known as the Minuteman American Defense (MAD). Forde is suspected of having plotted and executed the kiilling of a nine-year-old girl named Brisenia... Continue »